What’s it’s Like to Compete in Your First CRASH-B Sprints Competition

The CRASH-B Sprints is the world championship for indoor rowing. The test is a race over a distance of 2,000m on Concept2 indoor rowers. It is held every February in Boston, Massachusetts, most recently at Boston University’s Agganis Arena. The CRASH-B Sprints are officially sponsored by Concept 2. Ready…Set…Row! I promised myself I would not … Read more

Dark Horse Rowing Athlete Highlight: Kari Pearce

What makes a great CrossFit athlete?  Is it the endless hours of training or is it that they are endowed with a special recipe of DNA that destines them to greatness? Occasionally in this sport, you will hear about athletes that are considered “naturals”. Speaking specifically about rowing, genetics may come into play. For example, the height of … Read more